Energy Reading and The Mind Mirror:
It's All About Perspective
When you embark on the Mind Mirror journey, whether you train as an Awakened Mind practitioner or train yourself, it will inevitably expand your consciousness and shift your perspective, taking you to a grander, wiser self. The Mind Mirror reflects this shift in perspective in brainwave patterns we relate to different states of consciousness. Brainwave theory as we see it with the Mind Mirror is also a great metaphor for understanding the energetic blueprint of creation.
This webinar is for anyone who is interested in shifting perspective and developing your own energy reading approach (which I use as a synonym for psychic reading). I will touch on how I 'see the energy' behind the words like miracle, spirituality, creativity, life, sin, love, joy, fear, life, creativity, mood, manifestation, crises, depression.
I hope to stretch and move the angles of your perception by inviting you to look at life from the energy point of view. You may not hear anything dramatically new. But if I manage to open up the curtains of my intuitive kitchen as well as shift or broaden the edges and angels of your perspective, my mission is fulfilled.
Program duration: 1 hr 44 min