The Idea
These events are sponsored by the Institute for the Awakened Mind and aim to connect Consciousness Explorers, fellow Mind Mirror Users, Self-Trainers, and Practitioners, from all over the world.

Our monthly webinars network beginners and longtime Mind Mirror users in the USA, Canada, Europe, India, Australia, New Zealand, and our numbers are growing!
People are eager to learn and explore this exciting realm of consciousness with all modern technologies have to give!

Check our New Best Moments !
Meet the people who make it possible
Judith Pennington
Bath, PA, USA
Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind, co-designer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, assistant to Anna Wise, experienced MM Practitioner & Trainer (over 12 years), journalist and author

Oxana Bondarchuk
Byron Bay Hinterland, NSW, Australia
Webinars Moderator, Certified Awakend Mind Practitioner, Dipl. Teacher of Psychology, Dipl. in Transpersonal Psychology, former Corporate Marketing Executive & Business Trainer

What's on this month?

Consciousness Explorers Webinar:

Max Cade and Geoff Blundell conducted thousands of meditation sessions with the accompaniment of the strobe, a light therapy that entrains brainwaves to various states of consciousness depending on the flicker rate.

Peter Staples and Neil Hancock, students and cohorts of Max and Geoff, will share their recollections of these classes and the sometimes extraordinary effects the strobe had on people in the classes.

Mind Mirror software engineer Stephen Clark will tell us about a light therapy device developed by Vilistus for EMDR training by a psychiatric nurse working with veterans experiencing PTSD.

British neurophysiologist and EEG sleep expert Paul Gerry will share his plans for a therapeutic strobe as well as scientific research on 40Hz light therapy training showing improvements in people with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Tune in for this open discussion on light therapy, and bring experiences of your own!

  • Peter Staples
    Worked closely with Max Cade, together with Isabel Cade, widow of Max Cade, for several decades gave workshops in England on meditation and the discovery of the awakened mind pattern

    Designed and produced the Discovery ESR and Therapist's meters, which shows small changes in ESR (often referred to as GSR) and the temperature meters. Done research on Awakened Mind pattern and its relationship to body temperature
  • Neil Hancock
    • Max Cade's Student
    • Electronic Engineer
    • Creator of Mind Mirror III
    • Co-developer of Mind Mirror IV and Vilistus Mind Mirror 6

    Neil has a BSc in Electronic Engineering from the City University in London, U.K., and 20 years of experience in Telecom equipment manufacturing fields. He belongs to several professional organizations, including the U.K. Institute for Electrical Engineers, American Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Scientific and Medical Network, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He has a lifelong interest in meditation and has served on the board of the Pacific Zen Institute in Northern California.
  • Steve Clark
    • Vilistus Co-Owner
    • Vilistus Software Developer
    • Neurofeedback/Biofeedback Therapist
    • NLP practitioner
    • Cranio-sacral Therapist
    • Reiki Healer
    Co-owner of Vilistus and its factory, Durham Systems Management, this entrepreneur and innovator has generously worked with IAM for the past four years to customize the Mind Mirror 6 to our needs.

  • Paul Gerry
    • British Neurophysiologist and EEG Sleep Expert
    • Advanced Clinical Physiologist at Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust
Please note: our VIP memberships were discontinued!
You can now enjoy all videos for free in our Video Gallery!
Watch the programs below to learn more about the Mind Mirror and our guest speakers
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Peter Staples: Max Cade, Old Mind Mirrors, Biodots

This superb webinar "The Awakened Mind as a Dynamic Whole-Body State" was presented by Peter Staples. In addition to his stories of Max Cade's training programs, a show-and-tell on early Mind Mirror and physiology monitors, and an insightful demonstration of the interaction of EEG, GSR, BVP and Temperature, Peter discussed the interaction of the central and peripheral nervous systems, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and other substructures involved in Awakened Mind training. This webinar will convince you of the importance of monitoring peripheral temperature as an adjunct to EEG.

Program duration: 1 hr 55 min

Watch 25 min GSR, BVP and Temperature Demo with Data Analysis
Neurofeedback, ES Meter &
HRV Resonant Frequency Tuning

This webinar, hosted by Vilistus co-owner and software engineer Steve Clark, is primarily for mind-body explorers who want to delve into traditional neurofeedback for experimental self-training purposes. Steve talks about the Mind Mirror's Quick and Traditional (Neurofeedback) Protocols. He also introduces the latest version of GSR/Temperature Emotional Stress (ES) Instrument and shows how to use the newly advanced Pacer to determine the best HRV Resonant Frequency Tuning for your heart rate and breath.

Program duration: 2 hrs 09 min

Neil Hancock on the Mind Mirror

This program is highly recommended to those interested in technology, physiology, ancient traditions, consciousness, and the applications of the Mind Mirror, covering, among other things, where it started and how it was calibrated on Tibetans, the importance of seeing instant changes compared to clinical equipment, the physiology (why we have these electrode positions and measurements), and research with future possibilities of the Mind Mirror. The program is brilliantly presented by Neil Hancock, an electronics engineer, the nephew of Mind Mirror co-inventor Geoff Blundell, the creator of the first digital model of the Mind Mirror (III), who consulted with Vilistus software engineer Steve Clark on the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6. Being a truly technical person, he does his best to make the technicalities accessible for beginners, and he will share his memories of the early days of the Mind Mirror, Max Cade and Geoff Blundell.

Program duration: 2 hrs 38 min

Something you might want to know before you ask
Email your questions or proposals to: awakenedmindtraining@gmail.com
Images credit: Pixabay.com
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