Institute for The Awakened Mind
August-September 2023 Online Events History
October page will come out soon!
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The Idea
These events are sponsored by the Institute for the Awakened Mind and aim to connect Consciousness Explorers, fellow Mind Mirror Users, Self-Trainers, and Practitioners, from all over the world.

Our monthly webinars network beginners and longtime Mind Mirror users in the USA, Canada, Europe, India, Australia, New Zealand, and our numbers are growing!
People are eager to learn and explore this exciting realm of consciousness with all modern technologies have to give!

Check our New Best Moments !
Meet the people who make it possible
Judith Pennington
Bath, PA, USA
Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind, co-designer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, assistant to Anna Wise, experienced MM Practitioner & Trainer (over 12 years), journalist and author

Oxana Bondarchuk
Byron Bay Hinterland, NSW, Australia
Webinars Moderator, Certified Awakend Mind Practitioner, BCIA Certification Student, Dipl. Teacher of Psychology, Dipl. in Transpersonal Psychology, former Corporate Marketing Executive & Business Trainer

What's on next?
    Richard Iardella, a retired detective, worked for 24 years in law enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels. He specialized in complex conspiracy cases targeting criminal groups and organizations. This included long-term undercover operations, firearms trafficking, narcotics trafficking, robberies, and homicide investigations. His law enforcement skills, enhanced by his sharp intuition, earned him numerous awards and commendations throughout his career, including his department's Medal of Honor in 1985 and 1986, the Director's Award from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in 2000, and two awards for the Top Cop for Delaware in 2000 and 2001. Following his retirement from law enforcement, he took up the practice of meditation and discovered his gift for remote viewing distant people, places, and situations within his mind's eye. Recently, he has assisted in psychic detective work with a high degree of success.

    Candice Sanderson was working as a school psychologist in August 2013 when her life changed. During a ten-minute drive to work, a channel opened in her mind and messages from the world of spirit flowed in. The message was about humanity's progression toward harmony and the multi-dimensional energies available to assist her and everyone else on our journeys through life. Shocked and shy about her sudden ability to psychically channel universal wisdom, Candice was initially reluctant to share her revelations with others, but synchronicities drew her to the path of mystic and teacher. As she followed it, a startling new view of the world emerged, changed her perspectives, and redefined her life. Gradually, she mustered her courage and wrote about what she had learned in two international best-selling books, The Reluctant Messenger: Tales from Beyond Belief (2nd edition, 2022) and The Reluctant Messenger Returns: An Unexpected Adventure into the Angelic Realm (2020), winning acclaim and prestigious awards for her chronicles of the vast expanse of consciousness. Her new series, From the Reluctant Messenger, highlights some of her more unusual explorations into other-dimensional spaces, from conversations with angels and ascended masters to communications with star beings. Visit to learn about her popular podcasts, YouTube channels, and other social media platforms.

Saturday, 26 August 2023
4:00 pm ET (New York)

Click for your time @ date

LIVE Zoom Webinar:

Speaker: Judith Pennington

Richard (see bio above) proved to be a gifted remote viewer at his first Discovery program at The Monroe Institute in late 2017. He produced a startlingly consistent Awakened Mind, the brainwave pattern of the psychic, while correctly identifying seven of the eight targets during the meditation exercises. But in a 2019 Discovery program, during which a ghost flew to his bedside in the middle of the night and said "Hi," his brainwave patterns had begun to shift toward the Evolved Mind pattern of multi-dimensional awareness and unity. Over the next few years, this TM meditator attended other Monroe programs, listened to Monroe Sound Science recordings, and practiced remote viewing in courses and with online communities. By the February 2023 Discovery program, he had developed a stable 100-hertz Gamma Synchrony pattern, the high-frequency Superconscious Mind, both in meditation and waking life.

Nearly 50 years of Mind Mirror research shows that the self-evolving Awakened Mind progressively expands into the Evolved Mind and Gamma Synchrony patterns. Ricci is living proof that intention and commitment can expand awareness quickly and definitively. He did it through meditation, lucid dreaming, Monroe Sound Science, and by honing his remote viewing abilities while working with a leading psychic detective on unsolved homicides and missing persons cases.

Tune in to meet this friendly, engaging remote viewer, hear his fascinating stories, and see his remarkable brainwave changes on the Mind Mirror. His accomplishments prove that the consistent exploration and expansion of consciousness develops the wide-open unlimited mind.

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LIVE Zoom Webinar:

Speakers: Judith Pennington, Candice Sanderson

Are angels real? Do aliens exist? What happens when we die? How do we live more fully? Why are we here? Who or what is here with us? The answers to those questions and many more are the purview of psychic channel Candice Sanderson (see bio above), a retired psychologist whose open, loving heart has given her the courage to uplift, inspire, and enlighten the minds of the more than ten thousand people who have bought her books.

In this free-flowing webinar, which invites you to bring questions of your own, Judith interviews Candice about the manifestation of her psychic abilities then shows her highly advanced and sometimes startling Mind Mirror patterns, as recorded during a February 2023 Discovery program at The Monroe Institute. During that program, Candice correctly identified the two remote viewing targets and produced the classic out-of-body brainwave pattern, thus confirming her belief that she has been traveling out of her body into other realities all along.

Tune in to open your mind as we explore the mystical realms lying beyond the world of the senses. The wisdom of the messengers convinced Candice that hope abounds. Perhaps you will be convinced, too.

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Watch other programs on Mind Mirror and Monroe Institute discoveries!
Energy Healing in Higher States of Consciousness

Mind Mirror studies have shown since Max Cade's time that healing occurs within our well-known Awakened Mind and Evolved Mind brainwave patterns. But nowadays, we also see the involvement of gamma frequencies. How does healing occur, and what do gamma waves have to do with it? Judith Pennington addresses these questions in a preview of a Power Point show she prepared for the Energy Psychology Conference being held in Paris May 26-27. These narrated visuals explain her theories on how healing works and trace 15 years of her Mind Mirror research with hands-on healers and self-healers. She shares their stories, methods, and Mind Mirror patterns. This journey into the heart of healing includes not only the brainwave patterns of hands-on energy healers and recipients, but also people who have healed themselves via HemiSync and SAM audio technology at The Monroe Institute. You will also see the brainwave patterns of self-healers attending Dr. Dawson Church's "tapping" seminars in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) at the Omega Institute and the Open Center in New York. Tune in to be inspired and encouraged about your brain's ability to access higher levels of awareness to heal self and others.

Program duration: 1 hr 57 min

Explorations of Consciousness with The Monroe Institute

IAM's historic studies with The Monroe Institute provide us with pioneering data on changes of consciousness in large, simultaneously monitored groups of people within a controlled environment. Tune in to this program to see the remarkable effects of Hemi-Sync binaural beats and SAM (gamma) audio technology on brain balancing, refinement of the Awakened Mind, Evolved Mind, and Gamma Synchrony patterns, and the extension of those patterns all the way up to 100Hz. Sound technology expert Robert Holbrook will explain his delivery of gamma beats through his innovative Spatial Angle Modulation (SAM) technology; TMI's use of brainwave entrainment to conduct people into higher levels of awareness; and his own work with SAM and military veterans with PTSD. Judith Pennington will present Mind Mirror findings in a Power Point show on TMI's June 2017 "Journey to Happiness" program. See how we used the Mind Mirror's data analysis tools to reach our conclusions and how you can use them to track changes in your own states of consciousness.

Program duration: 2 hrs 30 min

Fresh from the Field: Superconscious!

Over the past few months, Judith has seen some extraordinary brainwave patterns which have significantly expanded the Mind Mirror knowledge base, especially with regard to 100Hz readings. In this program she shares with you people's stories of superconscious awareness and their gamma-infused brainwave patterns. She will also illustrate the use and importance of the Coherence Reports available in the optional Mind Mirror Features Pack. Tune in to see how "high" people are traveling and how they get there.

Program duration: 2 hr 51 min

Link to 'The Timeline'Meditation by Judith Pennington
Link to 'The Wise One' Meditation by Judith Pennington
Link to SAM Meditations From The Monroe Institute
Link to Mystical Scale coming soon...
Something you might want to know before you ask
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