Helen Hess is a board certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, certified clinical hypnotherapist, Bach Flower Registered Practitioner, Awakened Mind Practitioner and Kundalini Yoga Instructor. Helen has over 40 years of personal and professional experience with mind body modalities. In her private psychiatry practice, Helen gained first hand clinical experience in the power and effectiveness of hypnosis and the Bach Flower Remedies. A seasoned presenter she has been featured on local cable TV and radio shows, presented at professional conferences for hypnotists and nurse practitioners, was the instructor for Mind Body medicine at the Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and has taught numerous classes about the Bach Flowers, hypnosis, Kundalini Yoga and the mind body connection. Her experiences with Anna Wise and the Mind Mirror (class of 2001-2002) deepened her understanding of the mind body and brought unity to the maze of all healing modalities.
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