Mind Mirror Studies Published
Psychiatrist Richard Szuster's Mind Mirror study on "Dreams, Embodied Imagination and The Creative Mind" has just been published in a leading journal! Read the study!
  • Richard Szuster MD
    Honolulu, HI, USA

    Richard Szuster MD is a psychiatrist in private practice in Honolulu. He has studied and trained in various dream work methods for the past twenty years. He is a clinical faculty member in the department of psychiatry at the University of Hawaii, where he teaches the use of dreams in psychotherapy. The focus of his current interest is on the use of dreams in psychotherapy, creative inspiration, and personal unfoldment..

Dreams, Embodied Imagination,
and The Creative Mind
Watch Richard Szuster's webinar on this subject.

Read his fascinating study on the brainwaves of seven subjects hooked up to the Mind Mirror while he used the technique of Embodied Imagination to clear issues and enhance their creativity.

This is a trailblazer for other formal studies we are working on and hope to publish. Congratulations, Richard! On behalf of the Mind Mirror community, we recognize your hard work and appreciate your efforts!
IAM Research/Mind Mirror Studies

Visit the Mind Mirror Studies webpage to see a newly published study on the brainwave patterns of intuitive Frank DeMarco, this month's webinar presenter on "Imagine Yourself Well."

You'll also find on this page a new study on healer Fred Rible and subject Felice DuBois.

Keep visiting the page, as other studies by Judith will be added soon. Your research papers are welcome, too!

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