30 November 2024 @ 2pm EST
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From Oxana Bondarchuk

All Conscious Explorers (not just the Mind Mirror owners) are invited to master attention, learn and practice “energy reading” (this time for others not just oneself) with the knowledge and techniques from Systemic Family Constellations. ESP Workshop participation is desirable but not required.

This is planned to be a monthly Energy Reading Lab circle with a special topic for each time. The special topic for this meeting is: Soul Messages. Let's use the power of our group attention illuminate the blind spots—those aspects of your life that are crucial for your soul's progress but often go unnoticed in the bustle of everyday life.

Alternatively, if you have more burning health or other issue to shine the light on, feel free to bring that to our group attention. See more options of what we can do together

We will do mini-readings for every willing participant and may do a bigger work for a lucky one with the most charged issue.
Make sure you can attend live!

Never heard about Systemic Family Constellations (SFC)? Click the button below to get an idea!

What We Are Practicing
Revised Summary from ESP Workshop
  • Laws of Energy Dynamics
    To be able to go beyond what you already know (Consious Mind), you need to open up to the Unknown, to Something Greater. To receive: 1. you need to admit and take the youngest position in the hierarchy. 2. You need to give space, your attention and respect for "missing" bits. 3.To resolve the conflict: you need an ability to balance the opposition.
  • Mastering Attention
    Like never before we monitor and discern subtle changes of our state in response to standing up into representation which is a great way to practice attention focus and awareness. We can represent for people, object, spirit beings, and literally anything!
  • Field-Reading Techniques
    We use representation and subjective first-hand phenomenological experience or "what it feels like in the moment" (rather than our mental projections and speculation) to “read the field”. We know that we "hit" the truth through resonance.
  • Practicing Tuning & Meta-Perspective
    To tune into others, we have to stretch beyond our-habitual-selves which may be a great relief from Beta monkey-mind. It is a process-work which is not possible without entering into trance and practicing he highest meta or energy perspective, i.e. where all elements are interrelated.

How Will It Look Like
Up to 6 Mini-cases (max time 3 hours)
  • 1
    Introduction and Warm-Up
    First 20 minutes there will be short introduction into the topic and structure of the meeting as well as some reminder and guidance on how to tune in.
  • 2
    Case Presentation
    We take turns to present the our case in whatever form to let others tune into us. It is absolutely individual and up to you to decide what and how much you want to disclose to others. Blind readings are also possible, which means you just let others "tune into you" without any words or explanations for your side, just giving your silent permission for others to access your issue. If you cannot make it but want a reading, please provide us with a short video or audio recording of your case.
  • 3
    Everyone receives a time container to become a representative for the hot-chair-case (or his/her higher self/spirit or take suggested representation) and receives the messages. Alternatively for bigger cases, representatives and figurines will be appointed and moved on the field.
  • 4
    Whoever received a message is sharing whatever was received.
    In case of assigned (or spontaneous) representatives, they are invited to share what they received. This is a kind and non-judgemental sharing. Usually the one who's "on the hot chair" and who's case is being given attention knows and feels what resonates and makes sense.
  • 5
    The "hot chair" person gives feedback on what made sense.

What Else We May Work On
Issues to choose or think of your own
  • Spirit Guides
    “I want to connect with my spirit guides and get messages from them about my current life problems”
  • Past Lives
    “I want to connect with Akashic records and/or myself in past lives for download of resources I need in this lifetime”.
  • Ancestry
    “I want to connect with my ancestors and receive their blessings and/or resources that could improve my life.”
  • Health
    “I want to see the routes and aspects of my health problems – which come from physical level, systemic family level (ancestors), how they look from cultural, archetypal and Source levels.”
  • Blocks
    “I want to better understand the blocks withholding me and connect with the resources I need to breakthrough”
  • Repetitive Dreams
    “I have a repetitive dream and I really would like to know what my subconscious is trying to communicate, how it relates to my conscious everyday life.”
  • Money
    “What stands behind my money which is preventing me from earning more”
  • Inner Conflicts
    “What are my main inner energy flow disruptions, i.e. inner conflicts. Are they coming from parental/ancestral conflicts? Who/what stands behind and how can I resolve them.

up to 6
Receive soul message or
bring another burning issue
(see the list of options
or think of your own)
big case
Take a hot seat to explore and heal your most charged issue
(at no additional cost)
LIVE Zoom meeting
+ recording

About the Facilitator

Certified Awakened Mind Practitioner and Trainer
Institute for the Awakened Mind Online Events Moderator

Gr. Diploma in Psychology, Teacher of Psychology
Dipl. in Transpersonal Psychology

Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator
Numerological Psychoanalyst
Student of AstroPsychology (Pavel Andreev School)

BA in Finance and International Marketing
Ex Corporate Marketing Executive and Business Trainer

Registration Open

Brave to test ESP and read for others and receive a reading?
Register for $35
Only 2 seats left!
If you have any questions about participation or issues with payments, please email awakenedmindtraining@gmail.com

Send your questions to:

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