The Idea
These events are sponsored by the Institute for the Awakened Mind and aim to connect Consciousness Explorers, fellow Mind Mirror Users, Self-Trainers, and Practitioners, from all over the world.

Our monthly webinars network beginners and longtime Mind Mirror users in the USA, Canada, Europe, India, Australia, New Zealand, and our numbers are growing!
People are eager to learn and explore this exciting realm of consciousness with all modern technologies have to give!

Check our New Best Moments !
Meet the people who make it possible
Judith Pennington
Bath, PA, USA
Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind, co-designer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, assistant to Anna Wise, experienced MM Practitioner & Trainer (over 12 years), journalist and author

Oxana Bondarchuk
Byron Bay Hinterland, NSW, Australia
Webinars Moderator, Certified Awakend Mind Practitioner, Dipl. Teacher of Psychology, Dipl. in Transpersonal Psychology, former Corporate Marketing Executive & Business Trainer

What's on this month?

All Consciousness Explorers (with or without the Mind Mirror) Welcome To:
Introduction by Oxana Bondarchuk

I invite you into 6 weeks meditation intensive to reinforce you inner world, step into your power, higher frequencies and perspective. Following the style introduced in my previous webinar on Energy Reading, I will share with your the jewels of my meditation collection. I was guided to every single one of them and have been supporting me in my spiritual journey over the last 10 years. Watch short intro made during previous webinar. Visit our Bonus section below to watch previous programs about meditation, brainwaves and spirituality, energy reading and perspective.

We will have 6 live online group meetings where I will be introducing the subjective as well as brainwaves benefits of each meditation, after which we will explore it together in smaller exercises and experiments. You will be provided with guidance and link to practice each meditation at home and invited to share your experiences during our meetings, so we can also learn from each other.

Having a Mind Mirror is not the prerequisite, you can benefit and practice if you just like to meditate. If you are a Mind Mirror owner you can hook yourself up and share with me your sessions via Mind Mirror Portal. If you have questions about how to use the Mind Mirror, I will devote time at the end of each sesssion to answer them. There will be a special VIP package for those who'd like to have an extra individual session to either help you with using Mind Mirror, to analyze the brainwaves of your favourite meditation or do an energy reading for you.

The course is over but the replay is available! To access it, you can still register just for one meeting or the whole intensive. Click the button below to learn more about the program, packages and make your choice.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are discontinuing VIP memberships and make all the videos available to anyone interested (check our Video Gallery). The donations from this online course will be also used to support the costs of running the online community and the webinar program.

$19 / $99
Please register by donation or RSVP for free event(s) that you are interested in.
You will receive a reminder with a link 1 day and 1 hr before the beginning of the event.
You will also see activated
Emergency Access Link below this note just before the event.
No More Annual Membership
Please note: our VIP memberships were discontinued!

You can now enjoy all videos for free in our Video Gallery!

You welcome to support us by joining our by donation programs!

Watch these videos to learn more about meditation, brainwaves and spirituality,
energy reading and perspective.
Check our Video Gallery for more!
What is Meditation?

During this working group, we explore the teachings of Max Cade and Anna Wise on meditation and then share our experiences and understanding of what meditation means to each of us. Enjoy this open, free-flowing discussion and the deep insights offered by like-minded people. As one of the participants said, "Each of the speakers gave him a handle" on meditation.

Program duration: 1 hr 49 min

The Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Whether it starts spontaneously or during your Awakened Mind training, how do you know that you are spiritually awakening? What is it? What does it feel like, and what change or changes are occurring or have occurred in your life? How do you know what to look for? And what does it mean?

In this webinar, we share our stories, and learn about spiritual awakening from the viewpoint of brainwave theory and Awakened Mind practice. Consciousness transformation can be registered and is reflected in the change of your electrical brain activity. Decades of research of awakened people, yogi's, healers, etc., show what it looks like. Tune in – and lift up!

Program duration: 1 hrs 46 min

See the Power Point Presentation here:
The Signs of Spiritual Awakening presentation

Energy Reading and The Mind Mirror:
It's All About Perspective

When you embark on the Mind Mirror journey, whether you train as an Awakened Mind practitioner or train yourself, it will inevitably expand your consciousness and shift your perspective, taking you to a grander, wiser self. The Mind Mirror reflects this shift in perspective in brainwave patterns we relate to different states of consciousness. Brainwave theory as we see it with the Mind Mirror is also a great metaphor for understanding the energetic blueprint of creation.

This webinar is for anyone who is interested in shifting perspective and developing your own energy reading approach (which I use as a synonym for psychic reading). I will touch on how I 'see the energy' behind the words like miracle, spirituality, evil, creativity, life, sin, love, joy, fear, life, creativity, mood, manifestation, crises, depression.

I hope to stretch and move the angles of your perception by inviting you to look at life from the energy point of view. Being energy-literate is absolutely essential these days, since we need to differentiate truth and see a bigger perspective now more than ever. Energy being the common denominator, you will no longer need complex theories to know where the problem is. You may not hear anything dramatically new. But if I manage to open up the curtains of my intuitive kitchen as well as shift or broaden the edges and angels of your perspective, my mission will be fulfilled.

Program duration: 1 hr 44 min
See the presentation
Something you might want to know before you ask
Email your questions or proposals to: awakenedmindtraining@gmail.com
Images credit: Pixabay.com
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