Past newsletters have featured IAM's study on the brainwaves of 14 participants in the
"Journeys: A Voyage to Happiness" program at
The Monroe Institute in June of 2017. TMI, founded by out-of-body explorer, best-selling author, and audio technology inventor Bob Monroe, conducts 250 programs around the world and 55 programs on the Virginia campus each year. The organization is internationally recognized for its programs and commitment to research on superordinary states of consciousness, which journeys are elicited and supported by artistically developed Hemi-Sync and Spatial Angle Modulation (SAM) binaural beat audio technology.
If you've been to The Monroe Institute, you know this is a place where extraordinary things happen.
And so it was in June, when Robin Bernhard, Laura Eichman, and Judith Pennington—plus helpful volunteers within the group—wired participants to the Mind Mirror EEG for up to nine 40-minute SAM meditations.
It took us a while to crunch that much data, but we did it, and the Executive Summary on this page contains our results. We have deleted the names of all participants but one: Washington, D.C. psychologist Becky Carroll, a prodigious gamma producer. Her Completed Report is uploaded to the
Mind Mirror Studies page of the IAM website, with her gracious permission.
Here is our Executive Summary, which TMI/University of Virginia researcher Dr. Ross Dunseath expects to publish in a journal, along with supporting FFT data exported from the Mind Mirror.