Awaken with iAwake!
Here's your chance to experiment with binaural beats and experience the benefits of sound technology – at no cost!

The founders of iAwake, Pam Parsons Dupuy and John Dupuy, have asked us for data showing how our brainwaves respond to their main meditation product, Profound Meditation 3.0.
Profound Meditation 3.0 program contains 3 tracks: track 1 begins in beta then descends into delta, tracks 2 and 3 are in delta.

As you may know, deepening into delta is a kind of slow-wave "reset" which restores the mind-body to higher brain function and improved health.
The immediate result of each meditation may seem limited to clearer vision and sharper mental acuity. But at any sleeping, waking or meditative moment, this deep-delta opening could well lead to Eureka!

How it works
Hook-Up to the Mind Mirror
All you need to do is hook up to your Mind Mirror and ensure good signal quality.
Listen to Tracks
Get ready with your files to listen:
Track 2.1
Track 2.2
Track 2.3
Put on good headphones or earbuds.
Sit back, relax, and and listen to each 20-minute meditation track.

Sitting upright will help ensure that you do not fall asleep. The goal, of course, is awakening.

Please listen to one track at a time, returning to ordinary consciousness between the sessions. You could do all three on the same day or over a period of time.
Save the Recordings
When you save each recording,
kindly note in the session title:
a) your name
b) the number of the track
Export and Email Your Files
Then export your three recorded files
(for help, see User Manual, Secton 5.9)
and email them to: Judith@AwakenedMind.org
Send Us a Feedback
When you have finished your 3 sessions, please take this brief survey to let us know about your experience:
iAwake Joint Project Survey

Claim Your iAwake Bonus
Participants in this study are entitled to request up to 5 iAwake tracks at NO cost!
Choose your tracks at iAwake Store
Thanks for participating in this research project.
It means a lot to our friends at iAwake and is publishable research for IAM.

Your name and results will be kept confidential.
iAwake stands for Transformative Sound Tenchologies for an Evloving World.
You may remember this leading sound technology company from our webinar (see below)
with John Dupuy and Pam Parsons Dupuy, the founders of iAwake and Spiritual Technologies 2.0.

Spiritual Technologies Summit is the second part of our webinar in March 2016, welcoming Awakened Mind Practitioners: James Ripley, Elizabeth St John and Judith Pennington.
iAwake and the Mind Mirror webinar is a compelling discussion with John Dupuy about brainwave entrainment and how iAwake's internationally acclaimed binaural-beat sound tracks shift and evolve consciousness.
To learn more about iAwake and Spiritual Technologies Summit, visit the websites:
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