The Mind Mirror
Meditation Club
August-December 2024
The Mind Mirror
Meditation Club
August-December 2024
You may or may NOT have the Mind Mirror. The desire to meditate more and try new meditations is the only pre-requisite!
Greetings Conscious Explorers!

Would you like to travel to etheric realm and feel these loving, lightening vibrations of the higher dimensions? I will take you to the places you may never heard of, though you can get there at no time and no tickets needed, the sensations are wordless and you can always find your way back there.

The series of 6 beautiful meditations will take you to the places you can keep returning, as the energies of these places are gentle and soothing, and each place has its own unique flavor. Test your tuning (or attunement) abilities, connect with the energy essence of such notions of any spiritual philosophy like humility, higher wisdom, unconditional love, healing, absolution and ascension. Let’s play and experiment with our etheric bodies. Will we see again Alpha-flow and Delta-psychic-healing-muscle at work? Will there be Gamma booster? Let’s check it out together.

Everyone interested in meditation and brainwaves, consiousness transformation
and healing is highly welcome! Can't make it LIVE, be sure you will get the recording!

Akashic Records Reading
This was the plast program for 2023 and we decided to open the doors and invite everyone to our Mind Mirror Meditation Club session to try "Illuminated door" meditation by Judith Pennington. Enter the Akashic Library to read your fascinating Book of Life and revisit your hopes, desires and dreams for 2023! Don't forget your headphones to enjoy the sound! As usually, we will share our meditation experiences, meditate together and look at the brainwaves for this meditation!

Etheric Travel Taster

If you have not done it yet, watch this beautiful program on Etheric travel and healing. This is one of our meditations sessions from the previous "My Favourite Meditations" intensive, held in 2021.
Learn how to protect yourself when you are meeting with disincarnate beings, how to protect your house and your sleep, and let the violet flame of freedom and transumtation to take away the heavy residue of your Earthly experience.

Feel the flavour of the magic and power of healing and tranformation hidden in the depth of your consciousness!
There is much more to explore during the next 5 months!
Meditation Club Schedule and Program
Online LIVE Zoom Meetings August-December 2024
August 24
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

August 24
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

Etheric Travel to God's Will Temple
Tune into the blue ray to strengthen your resolve, align with your divine purpose, and obtain protection. Enhance your ability to manifest your will and stay true to your goals.
September 21
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

September 21
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

Etheric travel to the Temple of Illumination
Tune into the yellow ray to enhance mental clarity, wisdom, and the ability to learn and understand. Gain insight and illumination on your life path and spiritual journey.
October 19
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

October 19
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

Etheric travel to the Temple of Love
Tune into the pink ray and the healing powers of rose quartz to open your heart to unconditional love, foster compassion and forgiveness, and build harmonious relationships. Enhance your emotional well-being and sense of inner peace.
November 2
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

November 2
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone

Etheric travel to the Temple of Ascension
Tune into the white ray to cleanse your energy field, purify your thoughts and emotions, and assist in the process of spiritual ascension. Promote clarity, peace, and a sense of spiritual renewal.
November 23
@ 2pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
November 23
@ 2pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Etheric travel to the Temple of Healing
Tune into the green ray and the healing powers of nephrite to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Discover and understand the truth, enhancing your ability to heal yourself and others.
December 14
@ 2pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
December 14
@ 2pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Etheric travel to the Temple of Resurrection
Tune into the ruby ray to aid in the process of spiritual resurrection and renewal, bringing peace and harmony into your life. Overcome challenges and rise above difficulties with grace.
The answers to the questions you might have that will help you to better understand what you need and what to expect, and how it will all look like.
What if I am interested but cannot make it to online club meeting?
- If for any reason, you could not make it in time, the recording will be provided the next day (or within 72 hours) for you to catch up. Everybody is invited to share both subjective and brainwave experiences during these meditations. There will be a separate time devoted to this in the beginning of each meeting.
Do I need to be the Mind Mirror owner?
- You do not need to have the Mind Mirror to practice. You simply need to be eager to meditate. You do the change and the healing. Practicing is the key. Machine just "reads" the brainwaves but it is your experience that really matters. You may learn about the brainwave's effects during these meditations from the experience of others. Plus, take notes of useful landmarks and borrow them for a quick entry into the healing states!
Are there any benefits for the Mind Mirror users?
- If you do have a Mind Mirror, I invite you to start using it more often and check yourself what these meditations do, using the services of The Mind Mirror Portal (which currently offers 10 sessions FREE upload).
What to expect? How will the meetings be structrured?
- We will meet same time on Saturday (or Sunday, depending on your time zone) for approx. 1,5 - max 2 hours. I will give you short introduction to meditation of the day/ We will meditate togetehr online. After the meditation I will invite you to share your subjective experiences and present the meditation effects I have observed (both subjective and in terms of brainwaves). Within 24 to 72 hours you will receive a recording link to replay the whole meeting and a timecode of the meditation itself, so you can repeat this meditation again, if you wish.
Is there anything I need to do before to prepare?
- This is not necessary, but I highly recommend you to watch these three webinars below as a preparation or at any time (this should help you to better understand what we imply by meditation, my working style and get better idea of the Mind Mirror readings). See the links below. You might also want to watch some of the previous Meditation Club or course meetings that were released to the open public (check FREE videos above).

1) What is Meditation?
An short version of an open forum where we share experiences and understanding of meditation

2) The Signs of Spiritual Awakening
Learn Oxana's story of awakening and brainwave patterns as seen by the Mind Mirror as you shift your perspective

3) Energy Reading and The Mind Mirror: It's All About Perspective
Learn about how to see the world through energy perspective
Can I join just one meeting?
- Yes, this is not a problem. You will find detailed descriptions of each meeting below to help you choose which one you are interested most. Please note that club membership gives you a discounted price.
Can I pay each month?
- Yes, there is a montly payment option. Choose 1-Pass to attend each monthly meeting.
Register now! Early Bird Offer will expire soon!
Early bird $111$150
$19 $29
Join LIVE Zoom meeting or watch the replay of
1-online group meditation session
of your choice with access to meditation and all materials

Join LIVE Zoom meeting or watch the replay of
6-online group meditation sessions
with access to meditations and all materials

Send your questions to:

To learn more about the Mind Mirror:

The Mind Mirror Portal
and Meditation Centre:

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